How to Purchase DTUBE on Uniswap? Make sure you have ETH in your MetaMask Wallet, then enter our token's contract address. Set your slippage to 5-10%, swap the desired amount, and keep some extra ETH for gas fees.
Facing technical issues? Reach out to our moderators on Telegram for immediate help. If no one's available due to time zones, type '/help' in the chat for access to guides.
Wondering about giveaways or airdrops from DTUBE? We don't do airdrops, and giveaways are announced officially beforehand. Be cautious and avoid clicking on suspicious links to protect your wallet.
I saw a wallet on Dexscreener with no purchases but many sales. Is the team selling tokens from hidden wallets? The DTUBE team doesn't own any tokens. Zero purchases with multiple sales usually mean token transfers to new wallets. Before spreading FUD, verify transactions on Etherscan.
Found a glitch on the platform? Inform us on Telegram by messaging in the chat or privately to a moderator (with the MOD tag). They'll report it to our developers.
What's the tax for with a 5% buy and 5% sell? The tax supports the project, funds partnerships, adds features, covers marketing, compensates the team, and facilitates giveaways.
Last updated